Цена 1 часа рабочей силы, как правило снижается.
Материал из m-17.info
I cannot install modules in SugarCRM
If you get the following error when you try to install a module in SugarCRM:
Specified directory for zip file 'cache/upload/upgrades/module/<module_name>' extraction does not exist.
you can apply the following fix:
Open the directory where your SugarCRM is installed and go to include > utils. Locate the file sugar_file_utils.php and open it for editing.
return chmod($filename, $mode);
You can comment the code by putting // in front of it so that the code looks like:
//return chmod($filename, $mode);
Save the change and close the file.
From now on you should be able to install modules and language packs to your SugarCRM application without any problems.
[править] Product modules
A Products and Quotes Module: Products.zip - Causes system 6.5.2 crash !!!