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That aside, I think that a multiple-contributor blog would give you support and provide some other perspectives. You could combine this with your ideas on coaching/ghostwriting and work with 'intern' contributors to hone their skills, see their work supplying your site, and give them the tools they need to take your philosophies and understanding out on their own tangents. It might give you a regular supply of fresh, new writers and keep things going while allowing you to step back a little. (If you did go with the intern idea, drop me a line, will you? *g*), http://matlessuneb.livejournal.com PENELOPE CRUZ TITS, saop, http://kelwunnuhop.livejournal.com JULIANNE MOORE DESNUDA, >:-)), http://chenguhod.livejournal.com COTE DE PABLO BOOBS, 23811, http://heallovyno.livejournal.com KELLY BROOK TITS, jpl, http://willytnivoq.livejournal.com KENDRA WILKINSON NAKED PICTURES, oknx, http://cameronusuk.livejournal.com YVONNE STRAHOVSKI NAKED PHOTOS, :[[[, http://dixyryqu.livejournal.com SHAKIRA SEX TAPE, >:OOO, http://cassildawip.livejournal.com RHONA MITRA IN A BIKINI, >:], http://kumagaipun.livejournal.com EVA GREEN NUDE PICTURES, dvok, http://carmenomubi.livejournal.com JESSICA ALBA SEX SCENE, 00894, http://thorlieyvak.livejournal.com VIDA GUERRA HOT PICS, 2905, http://miguelusil.livejournal.com VANESSA HUDGENS TOPLESS, =-[[[, http://aggieemum.livejournal.com PAM GRIER SEX VIDEO, vlff,