Цена 1 часа рабочей силы, как правило снижается.
Список левых и коммунистических партий
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country Party’s name Name in its language Short name My opinion periodicals contact ideology international elections other
Содержание |
- Anarcho-Communist Unification Congress Congreso de Unificaciуn Anarco-Comunista CUAC Hombre y Sociedad - anar. com. no part. f. 1999, http://www.flag.blackened.net
- Black Flag Anarchist Organization Organizaciуn Anarquista Bandera Negra Banderanegra_stgo@yahoo.es, Anar. no part.
- Assembly of Libertarian Convergence Asamblea de Convergencia Libertaria ACL Does not work asamblealibertaria@yahoo.com, http://www.asamblealibertaria.cjb.net anar. com no part.
- Chilenian Communist Party (Proletarian Action) Partido Comunista Chileno (Acciуn Proletaria) PC(AP) http://www.pcchile.cl/ Коммунистическая партия Чили (Пролетарское действие)
Acciуn Proletaria pcap@chile.com, http://accionproletaria.tk/ http://accionproletaria.com/2007/index.php?Itemid=54&id=138&option=com_content&task=view pcap@accionproletaria.com stal., ex-mao. ICMLPO[H], ex-Alb., ICS no part. f. 1979
- Christian Left Izquierda Cristiana IC Liberaciуn naitun@entelchile.net, left. christ. no part. f. 1971 as split from Christian Democratic Party; majority joined PS in 1989
- Citizen Power Movement Movimiento Fuerza Ciudadana tel. +56-2-3104017, http://fuerzaciudadana.cl/ no part. f. 1999, led by Josй Barra Campos
- Committee for the Construction of the Workers Party Comitй por la Construcciуn del Partido Obrero CCPO Comite_cons_po@latinmail.com,
tro. CRFI no part. f. 1997 Chile Communist Party of Chile Partido Comunista de Chile PCCh El Siglo www@pcchile.cl, 2222750, Vicuña Mackenna #31 Santiago, Chile, wlaracor@gmail.com, Si el interesado tiene entre 15 y 28 años es recomendable que tome contacto con alguna Base de la Juventud Comunista o en el comunal o regional del lugar donde estudia, vive o trabaja.
La sede central de la Jota está ubicada en Martínez de Rosas 2248, Teléfono 688 05 92 o a través de la página web: www.jjcc.cl com. FSP, ex-WMR, ex-CI 5.22% f. 1922
- Concertation of Parties for Democracy Concertaciуn de los Partidos por la Democracia CPD centre left. 47.91% alliance; f. 1988 by main centrist and center left parties
- Democratic Change
Cambio Democratico cambiodemocratico@globalcom.cl, left. soc. not existing f. 2003, led by Rodolfo Matus Alvear
- Democratic Party of the Left Partido Demуcratico de Izquierda PDI fax: +56-2-6321144 left. soc. in CPD f. 1990 as split from PCCh
Chile Ecological Action Movement Movimiento de Acciуn Ecolуgica Manuelba55@hotmail.com, green FGPA no part. Chile Front "United we will win" Frente "Unidos Venceremos" www.mir-chile.cl, comunicaciones@mir-chile.cl, rad. left. not existing f. 2002, alliance of MIR, PC(AP), PAS, MPMR, IR Chile Humanist Party Partido Humanista juanepe@netup.cl, www.partidohumanista.cl, Livingstone #72 Santiago Chile 634 26 14 / 634 76 88, Info@partidohumanista.cl humanist IH 1.13% f. 1984 Chile Libertarian Movement Joaquнn Murieta Movimiento Libertario Joaquнn Murieta MLJM Strange direction Hasta La Victoria Siempre, Boletнn contacto@mljm.cjb.net, www.mljm.cjb.net, anar. com. no part. f. 2000 Chile Libertarian Organization J@! Organizaciуn Libertaria ЎJ@! Does not exist La Propiedad es un Robo Organizacion_ja@yahoo.co.uk, anar. no part. Chile Libertarian Path Collective Colectivo Senda Libertaria sendalibertaria@hotmail.com, anar. com. no part. Chile Marxist-Leninist Revolutionary Party of Chile Partido Revolucionario Marxista-Leninista de Chile PRML melscl@hotmail.com, mao. no part. f. 2002, split from MPR in 2000 Chile Movement for Socialism Movimiento de Izquierda Revolucionaria MIR Does not exist El Rebelde Mir-rebelde@terra.cl, rad. left. no part. faction of MIR-Polнtico (split from MIR in 1986), led by Demetrio Hernбndez Chile Movement of the Revolutionary Left/Guerilla Army of the Poor - Free Homeland Movimiento de Izquierda Revolucionaria/Ejйrcito Guerrillero de los Pobres-Patria Libre MIR/EGP-PL Does not exist El Rebelde arielramir@yahoo.com, http://elrebelde.cl/ rad. left. no part. faction of MIR-Histуrico (split from MIR in 1986) Chile Movement of Unitarian Popular Action-Workers and Peasants Movimiento de Acciуn Popular Unitaria-Obrero Campesino Mapu-OC left. christ. in CPD f. 1973 Chile Organizing Committee of a Revolutionary Workers Party Comitй Organizador de un Partido Obrero Internacionalista GOPOI Democracia Obrera tro. COTP, CCITP no part. Chile Party for Democracy Partido Por la Democracia PPD ppd@ppd.cl, Santo Domingo 1828 Santiago Santiago Chile 6712320 damian@josegarrido.net soc. dem. SI 12.73% (in CPD) f. 1987 Chile Patriotic Front Manuel Rodriguez Frente Patriуtico Manuel Rodrнguez FPMR Does not exist El Rodriguista cartas@fpmr.org, rad. left. no part. pol.-mil.; f. 1987 as split from FPMR Chile Patriotic Movement Manuel Rodrнguez Movimiento Patriуtico Manuel Rodrнguez MPMR Sent lette by webr El Rodriguista mpmrdn@hotmail.com, http://www.mpmr.cl/ rad. left. ICS on PCCh lists f. 1983 as FPMR, renamed in 1991 Chile Recabarren Organization for a Revolutionary Alternative Organizaciуn Recabarren por la Alternativa Revolucionaria ORPAR mao. no part. Chile Recabarren Communist Organization Organizaciуn Comunista Recabarren OCR Does not exist Causa Obrera stal. ICS no part. f. 1985 by rests of Partido Comunista Revolucionario (PCR) Chile Revolutionary Popular Movement Movimiento Popular Revolucionario MPR Does not exist, e-mail too movpr@latinmail.com, http://mpr-mexico.blogspot.com/2008/05/omc-folleto.html mpr.mexico@gmail.com, mpr_df06@yahoo.com.mx mao. no part. f. 1998 by Marxist-Leninist Communist Party Chile Revolutionary Socialism Socialismo Revolucionario Alternativa vilmaalvarez@terra.cl, tro. CWI no part. formerly called Democracia Obrera Chile Revolutionary Socialist Tendency Tendencia Socialista Revolucionario tro. USFI no part. Chile Revolutionary Trotskyist Militants Militantes Trotskistas Revolucionarias Clase contra Clase clasecontraclase@clasecontraclase.cl, http://clasecontraclase.cl/ tro. FT-EI no part. Chile Revolutionary Workers' Party (Posadist) Partido Obrero Revolucionario (Posadista) POR(P) Lucha Obrera tro. TPI no part Chile Rodriguist Identity Identidad Rodriguista IR rad. left. no part. Chile Social and Democratic Force Fuerza Social y Democrбtica FSD fuerzasocial@fuerzasocial.cl, http://fuerzasocial.cl/ broad left not existing f. 2001, alliance of social org. Chile Social and Democratic Power Poder Democrбtico y Social PODEMOS Does not exist rad. left not existing alliance, f. 2003 by PCCh, PH, MIR, MPMR and others Chile Social Democratic Radical Party Partido Radical Social-Demуcrata PRSD partido@partidoradical.cl, soc. dem. SI 4.05% (in CPD) f. 1994 by merger of Radical and Social Democratic Parties Chile Socialist Alternative Party Partido Alternativa Socialista PAS left. soc. no part. split from PS in 1997 Chile Socialist Force of the Left Fuerza Socialista de Izquierda FSI fuzoiz@yahoo.com, left. soc. no part. split from PS Chile Socialist Left Izquierda Socialista izquierdasocialista@starmedia.com, tro. UIT on PCCh lists Chile Socialist Party of Chile Partido Socialista de Chile PS Pagina 19, Quadernos del Aviуn Rojo pschile@terra.cl, Mesa central: (56-2) 956 67 00 Presidencia: (56-2) 956 67 03 Primera Vicepresidencia: (56-2) 956 67 16 Secretaría General: (56-2) 956 67 02 Vicepresidencia de la Mujer (56-2) 956 67 05 Vicepresidencia Indígena: (56-2) 956 67 05 Juventud Socialista: (56-2) 956 67 12 Tribunal Supremo: (56-2) 956 67 11 Secretaría Nacional de Organización: (56-2) 956 67 08 Comisión Nacional de Solidaridad: (56-2) 956 67 17 Aministración: (56-2) 956 67 19 Prensa: (56-2) 956 67 21 Secretaría ejecutiva del comité central: (56-2) 956 67 04 Informática: (56-2) 956 67 38Biblioteca:(56-2) 956 67 06 soc. dem. SI, FSP, CSL 10.01% f. 1933 Chile Socialist Current of the Left Corriente Socialista de Izquierda socialistasdeizquierda@socialistasdeizquierda.cl, left. soc. Chile Surda Organization Organizaciуn Surda Surda, Fuerza Publica surda@multimania.com, rad. left. no part. f. 1993 Chile The Ecological Greens Los Verdes Ecologistas green on list of Humanist Party f. 1989 Chile The Idea Anarchist Organization Organizaciуn Anarquista La Idea colectivo_la_idea@hotmail.com, anar. no part. f. 2000 Chile Union of Communist Revolutionaries (Maoists) Uniуn de Revolucionarios Comunistas (Maoнstas) Nueva Democracia surda@multimania.com, mao. close to RIM no part. Chile Unitarian Popular Action Movement - Lautaro Movimiento de Acciуn Popular Unitaria - Lautaro MAPU-Lautaro rad. left. ICS no part. pol.-mil.; f. 1983 as split from MAPU Chile Workers Force Fuerza Obrera rpay@udec.cl, tro Mov, ex-UIT no part. Chile Workers' Party Partido de los Trabajadores left. soc. no part. f. 1993 Chile Workers' Solidarity Solidaridad Obrera Hombre y Sociedad soliobrera@mixmail.com, anar. syn. AIT no part. f. 1995
Union of revolutionary communists Sent letter http://www.nuevademocracia.urc.cl/ korea@korea-dpr.com, mao
- Action IWA action_iwa@hotmail.com
anar. ex-AIT f. 1999 as split from WSA
- African People's Socialist Party auxiliary organization
APSP The Burning Spear apsp.uhuru@verizon.net black rad. left. nat. f. 1972, led by Omali Yeshitali
- USA All-African People's Revolutionary Party local group
AAPRP culturevue@aol.com, black left. nat. f. 1972
- USA Alliance Marxist-Leninist (North America)
Does not exist, e-mail too Alliance hari.kumar@sympatico.ca, stal. ISML f. 1989
- USA American Indian Movement - Grand Governing Council
AIM-GGC aimgggc@worldnet.att.net, AIMGGC@worldnet.att.net, indian nat. f. 1993 as split from other AIM, led by Vernon Bellecourt
- USA American Indian Movement - International Federation of Autonomous Chapters
AIM-IFAC Does not exist, info@americanindianmovement.org, indian left. nat. f. 1968, led by Russell Means
- USA Anarchist Communitarian Network
anarchistcommunitariannet@hotmail.com, anar. f. 2001
- USA Anarchist People of Color
apoc@illegalvoices.org, anar.
- USA Arissa
- USA Atlantic Anarchist Circle other page
- USA Barrio Union (Uniуn del Barrio) La Verdad
info@uniondelbarrio.org, chicano left. nat.
- USA Bay Area Anarchist Communists baac@ziplip.com,
anar. com
- USA Black Autonomy Network of Community Organizers BANCO anar.
- USA Black Radical Congress
BRC blackradicalcongress@email.com, black rad. left. nat. f. 1998
- USA Bolshevik Tendency Tel. +1-510-2782971 tro. IBT f. 1982 as split from Spartacist League
- USA Bring the Ruckus
ruckus@agitatorindex.org, anar. com. f. 1997
- USA Committee for a Unified Independent Party / International Workers Party unofficial CUIP/IWP info@cuip.org,
black nat f. 1979 as New Alliance Party, led by Fred Newman
- USA Committees of Correspondence for Democracy and Socialism
CCDS Corresponder, Dialogue & Initiative national@cc-ds.org, Committees of Correspondence for Democracy and Socialism 545 Eight Avenue, Room #1215 New York, NY 10018
Mailing Address: CCDS PO Box 437 New York, NY 10018-0008 Phone: (212) 868-3733 Fax: (212) 868-3334 Email: national@cc-ds.org Website: www.cc-ds.org, Greater Los Angeles, California Marian Gordon. margordon@sbcglobal.net
Northern California.staff@ncalcofc.org
Metro DC, MD, VA. http://www.redandgreen.org Walter Teague. wteague@verizon.net
Lafayette, Indiana Harry Targ. targ@polsci.purdu.edu
Idaho Hunter Gray.hunterbadbear@earthlink.net
Greater Boston, MA Mike Wolfson. mwolfson@hsph.harvard.edu
Louisville, Kentucky Louisville Area Newsletter: MONTHLY NEWS DIGEST Fred Hicks. f.hicks@louisville.edu
New York Metro CCDS Ted Reich. metroccds@gmail.com
Capitol District, New York Mark Mishler
North Dakota Lisa Carney
Mid-Valley, Oregon June & Ed Hemmingson. hemmi@juno.com
Cleveland Heights, Ohio Socialist Education Project Website: http://www.socialisteducation.org Marilyn Albert.marilynalbert@juno.com
Charleston, South Carolina Jim Campbell. jamesecj@aol.com
Berkeley Spring, WV Barbara Tutor. barbtutor@aol.com ex-com., left. soc. f. 1991 mainly as split from CPUSA
- USA Communist Party USA
CPUSA People's Weekly World, Political Affairs cpusa@cpusa.org, http://cpusa.org/ 235 West 23rd Street, New York NY 10011 ph: 212-989-4994, http://www.peoplesworld.org/contact - journal, Submissions: We invite you to send stories and photographs. Please e-mail them to our Editorial Office at stories@peoplesworld.org or mail them to our Chicago address. General Email: contact@peoplesworld.org Editorial Office: 3339 S. Halsted St., Chicago IL 60608, phone: (773) 446-9920, fax: (773) 446-9928. Washington State P.O. Box 24806 Seattle WA 98124 (206) 725-1555 wa@peoplesworld.org
http://politicalaffairs.net/ Mailing address for all correspondence: Political Affairs 235 W. 23rd St. New York, N.Y. 10011 646-437-5341
Click here for submission guidelines.
Publisher: Joe Sims joesims@politicalaffairs.net
Editor: Joel Wendland editor@politicalaffairs.net
Managing Editor: Peter Zerner managingeditor@politicalaffairs.net
Senior Editor: Phil E. Benjamin senioreditor@politicalaffairs.net
Book Reviews: Associate Editor Thomas Riggins pabooks@politicalaffairs.net
Business information: pa-service@politicalaffairs.net
Webmaster pa-letters@politicalaffairs.net
com. ex-WMR supported Dem. Party f. 1919, led by Sam Webb
- USA Communist Voice Organization
Does not exist Communist Voice, Struggle comvoice@flash.net, ex-mao. f. 1995 as split from Chicago Workers' Voice Group
- USA Communist Workers Organization CWO OCPPR-Detroit@onebox.com,
tro. f. 2002
- USA December 12th Movement Arm the Masses d12m@aol.com,
black rad. left. nat. led by Omowale Clay
- USA Democratic Socialists of America
DSA Democratic Left dsa@dsausa.org, left. soc. SI on list of Democratic Party f. 1983, active in Democratic Party
- USA Echanges et Mouvement
left. com.
- USA Federation of Northwest Anarchist Communists FNAC fnac@resist.ca,
anar. com. f. 2002
- USA Federation of Revolutionary Anarchist Collectives
FRAC nightvision@ziplip.com, anar. f. 2002
- USA Freedom Road Socialist Organization [Fight Back]
FRSO good Fight Back info@frso.org, http://frso.org/ stal. ICS f. 1999 as split from other FRSO
- USA Freedom Road Socialist Organization [Freedom Road]
FRSO Sent by web Freedom Road freedomroad@igc.org, www.freedomroad.org, ex-mao., stal. ICS f. 1985
- USA Freedom Socialist Party
FSP The Freedom Socialist fspnatl@igc.apc.org, tro. FS supported SPUSA, SWP and WWP f. 1964 as split from SWP
- USA Great Plains Anarchist Network
greatplainsanarchy@hotmail.com, anar.
- USA Green Party of the United States other page
GP-US Greensweek, Greenpages info@greenpartyus.org, green 0.30% f. 1996 as split from GPUSA
- USA The Green Alliance
alliance@greens.org, left. green f. 2002
- USA Independent Progressive Politics Network
IPPN Independent Politics News indpol@igc.org, left. soc f. 1995, alliance
- USA Industrial Workers of the World
IWW Industrial Worker ghq@iww.org, anar. syn. IWW f. 1905
- USA International Communist Current ICC Does not work Internationalism
left. com. ICC
- USA International Socialist Organization
ISO Socialist Worker, International Socialist Review contact@internationalsocialist.org, tro. ex-IS f. 1977
- USA Internationalist Group
Internationalist internationalistgroup@msn.com, tro. LFI f. 1996 as split from Spartacist League
- USA Internationalist Perspective Does not work Internationalist Perspective
left. com f. 1986 as split from ICC
- USA Internationalist Workers' Group other page
Interesting pictures, send by web Internationalist Notes usa@ibrp.org, www.leftcom.org, www.internazionalisti.it, left. com. IBRP f. 2002
- USA Labor Party
Labor Party Press info@thelaborparty.org, left. soc. f. 1996, led by Mark Dudzic
- USA Labor Standard
Labor Standard bidom@igc.org, tro. close to USFI f. 1998, partly active inside Solidarity
- USA Labor's Militant Voice
Labor Standard aactivist@igc.org, tro. close to USFI f. 1998 as split from Labor Militant
- USA League for the Revolutionary Party
LRP Proletarian Revolution lrpcofi@earthlink.net, tro. COFI f. 1976
- USA League of Revolutionaries for a New America
People's Tribune/Tribuno del Pueblo info@lrna.org, aoude@hawaii.edu
http://lrna.org/ telephone:
1.773.486.0028 or by mail: P.O. Box 477113 Chicago, IL 60647 ex-mao. f. 1997, formerly the Communist Labor Party
- USA Left Green Network
mesrod@juno.com, left. green f. 1989
- USA Left Party
Frontlines leftparty@leftparty.org, tro. CIR f. 2002 as split from Socialist Alternative
- USA Left Turn
Left Turn leftturn@leftturn.org, tro. ex-IS f. 2001 as split from ISO
- USA Liberty Union Party
Does not exist libunion@sover.net, http://libertyunion.windham.vt.us/ rad. left. 0.0027% f. mid-1990s, exists in Vermont
- USA Maoist Internationalist Movement
MIM MIM Notes, Maoist Sojouner mim@mim.org, http://etext.org/politics/mim mao. f. 1983
- USA Marxist-Leninist Organizer stal.
- USA National Black United Front
NBUF Frontpage nbufchi@allways.net, black left. nat. f. 1980, alliance
- USA New Afrikan Liberation Front NALF Taion Time black rad. left. nat. f. 1995, led by Herman Ferguson
- USA New Afrikan People's Organization NAPO By any means necessary black rad. left. nat. f. 1984, led by Chokwe Lumumba
- USA New Democracy
New Democracy Newsletter newdem@aol.com,
- USA New Party
newparty@newparty.org, left. soc. f. 1991
- USA News & Letters Committees
News & Letters nandl@igc.org, arise@newsandletters.org, http://newsandletters.org/issues/2009/Dec/index.asp ex-tro., marx. MH f. 1955
- USA Northeastern Federation of Anarchist Communists
NEFAC The Northeastern Anarchist, Ruptures, Barricada roundhouse@mobtown.org, anar. com. ILS f. 2000
- USA Organizing Committee to form the Communist Party USA (Marxist-Leninist) OCCPUSA(ML) Proletariat, Labor's Champion, mao. f. 1983
- USA Pan-African Revolutionary Socialist Party black left. nat. f. 1983
- USA Party for Socialism and Liberation
PSL Socialism and Liberation sf@socialismandliberation.org, http://socialismandliberation.org/ rad. left. f. 2004 as split from WWP
- USA Peace and Freedom Party
PFP Sent by web Partisan what_is@peaceandfreedom.org, P.O. Box 24764 Oakland California 94623 Telephone: (510) 465-9414 http://www.peaceandfreedom.org/home/ left. soc 0.026% f. 1967, many tendencies
- USA Prairie Fire Organizing Committee PFOC Breaktrough pfoc@prairie-fire.org,
rad. left. f. 1974
- USA Progressive Labor Party other page
PLP Challenge-Desafнo-Le Defн plp@plp.org, http://revolutionary-communism.tk/ (does not exist) – Maiami opposition site mao. f. 1965
- USA Progressive ProAction Party
joeglitter1@hotmail.com, led by Mark A. Dotz Jr.
- USA Ray O. Light Group mao. ICS, ICMLPO[M]
- USA Red and Anarchist Action Network
Praxis Journal, RAAN-Network News anar. com. f. 2002
- USA Republic of New Afrika RNA The New Afrikan black rad. left. nat f. 1968
- USA Revolutionary Anti-Authoritarians of Color
RACE anarchistcolor@yahoo.com, anar. f. 2001
- USA Revolutionary Communist Party RCP Good revolutionary and videos, songs Revolutionary Worker / Obrero Revolucionario
fax: +1-312-227-4497, Contact Revolution
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- USA Revolutionary Workers League RWL Fighting Worker rwl-us@usa.net,
tro. ITC f. 1976 as split from Spartacist League
- USA Revolutionary Workers Party (Trotskyist-Posadist) RWP(T-P) Proletarian Revolution rwptp_2@hotmail.com,
tro. TPI led by Jen Cobbins
- USA Social Democrats USA
SDUSA New America info@socialdemocrats.org, soc. dem SI on lists of Democratic Party f. 1972 by right wing of SPUSA, active in Democratic Party
- USA Socialist Action
Socialist Action socialistact@igc.org, tro. USFI f. 1983 as split from SWP
- USA Socialist Alternative
Justice info@socialistalternative.org, tro. CWI f. 1986 as Labor Militant, active in Labor Party
- USA Socialist Equality Party, other page
SEP sep@socialequality.com, tro. ICFI 0.00076% f. 1966 as Workers League
- USA Socialist Labor Party
SLP The People socialists@slp.org, thepeople@slp.org, http://slp.org/index.html http://slp.org/tp.htm Deleonist f. 1876
- USA Socialist Organizer
The Organizer theorganizer@labornet.org, tro. SIQI active in Labor Party
- USA Socialist Party USA
SPUSA Against Guantanamo The Socialist socialistparty@sp-usa.org, natsec@socialistparty-usa.org, http://socialistparty-usa.org/ left. soc. 0.013% f. 1901
- USA Debs Tendency
Does not exist debstendency@ameritech.net, http://debstendency.org/ rad. left f. 2003
- USA Socialist Workers Organization SWO Socialist Viewpoint
socialistviewpoint@pacbell.net, tro. f. 2001 as split from Socialist Action
- USA Socialist Workers' Party SWP The Militant
TheMilitant@compuserve.com, tro. SWP 0.0026% f. 1937, led by Jack Barnes
- USA Society for Economic Equality
fgirard@iserv.net, DeLeonist f. 1983 as split from SLP
- USA Fourth International Caucus tro. USFI formerly the Fourth Internationalist Tendency
- USA South East Anarchist Network
seanet@riseup.net, anar. f. 2004
- USA Spartacist League of the U.S. Workers Vanguard vanguard@tiac.net,
tro. ICL f. 1966 as split from SWP, led by James M. Robertson
- USA The Greens/Green Party USA
G/GPUSA Green Politics, Synthesis/Regeneration gpusa@igc.org, green FGPA f. 1984 as Green Committees of Correspondence
- USA The Spark
The Spark thespark@gmx.net, tro. UCI f. 1971
- USA Trotskyist Labor League
The Toiler tll1917@aol.com, tro. ITLT f. 2003 as split from WIL, led by Sidney Martinez
- USA Trotskyist Unity Organization Jrefallo@yahoo.com,
tro. f. 2003 as split from RWP(T-P), led by Joey Refallo
- USA Truth Does not exist Truth
info@truthdetroit.org, ex-UIT, ex-Mov called Socialism! until 2001
- USA United People National Party (Partido Nacional La Raza Unida) Does not exist El Sembrador partido_nacional@yahoo.com,
Chicano left. nat f. 1970
- USA United States Pacifist Party
blyttle@igc.org, pacifist
- USA Unity Organizing Committee unofficial
Unity yellowpower@aamovement.net, Asian-American f. 1991 as split from League of Revolutionary Struggle
- USA US Marxist-Leninist Organization
USMLO Solidarity with Cuba, Korea Voice of Revolution office@usmlo.org, http://usmlo.org/ ex-mao. ex-alb. split from Marxist-Leninist Party
- USA Vermont Progressive Party
Moose Crossings info@progressiveparty.org, http://progressiveparty.org/ left. soc. f. 1999
- USA Workers Action
Workers Action vorps@yahoo.com, tro. CRFI f. 2003
- USA Workers Democracy Network
Workers Democracy webmaster@workersdemocracy.org, tro.
- USA Workers International League youth organization
WIL Socialist Appeal, New Youth wil@socialistappeal.org, tro. IMT called Socialist Labor until 2001
- USA Workers Party U.S.A
The Worker wp@workersparty.org, http://workersparty.org/, Workers Party, USA P.O. Box 25716 Chicago, IL 60625 stal. ex-alb. f. 1992
- USA Worker's Socialist Party of the United States
WSP-US Wageslave@webtv.net, Worker's Socialist Party Of The United States General Secretary 1205 Thomas Palmer Ct Lawrenceville, GA, 30043 http://socialism.org.i8.com/ rad. left. split from WSPUS in 2002
- USA Workers Solidarity Alliance
WSA Ideas and Action wsany@hotmail.com, anar. syn. AIT f. 1984
- USA Workers World Party
WWP Political prisoners, socialist countries Workers World ww@workers.org, Workers World, 55 W. 17 St., NY, NY 10011 http://workers.org/ ex-tro., rad. left. ICS 0.0011% f. 1959 as split from SWP
- USA Working Families Party
WFP Good - Life of workers By Mail: Working Families Party 2 Nevins Street, 3rd Floor Brooklyn, NY 11217 Phone: (718) 222-3796 Fax: (718) 246-3718 General Inquiries: wfp@workingfamiliesparty.org http://www.workingfamiliesparty.org/ For Press Inquiries Contact Dan Levitan (718) 222-3796 ext 237 dlevitan@workingfamiliesparty.org left. soc. 0.10% f. 1999
- USA World Socialist Party of the United States
WSPUS World Socialist Review wspus@mindspring.com, joinwspus@wspus.org, nyc@wspus.org, http://wspus.org/ rad. left. WSM f. 1916
- Spain Assembly of the Left
Asamblea de Izquierdas A-iz Does not exist aizalmeria@wanadoo.es, 0.0035% f. 2004
- Spain Communist Party of Spain [Maoist]
Partido Comunista de Espaсa [Maoista] PCE[M] Good, links PCE@bandera-roja.com, mao. close to RIM
- Spain Communist Party of the Peoples of Spain
Partido Comunista de los Pueblos de Espaсa PCPE Good, links, many prov com, music, video, Cuba 5 Unidad y Lucha, Propuesta Comunista internacional@pcpe.es, comitecentral@pcpe.es, republica@pcpe.es, unidadylucha@pcpe.es, propuestacomunista@pcpe.es, SEDE del Comité Central del Partido Comunista de los Pueblos de España: c/Carretas 14,6º G 28012 Madrid Fax: 91 532 91 87 comunicacion@pcpe.es,
Young communists: Central: cjc@cjc.es, Tinta Roja tintaroja@cjc.es,
Comisiones de frentes Antifascismo: antifascista@cjc.es Estudiantes: estudiantes@cjc.es Feminismo: feminista@cjc.es República: republica@cjc.es Antiimperialismo: antiimperialismo@cjc.es Movimiento obrero: movimientoobrero@cjc.es Equipo Web: equipoweb@cjc.es
cjc@cjc.es, tintaroja@cjc.es, antifascista@cjc.es, antiimperialismo@cjc.es, movimientoobrero@cjc.es stal. ICS 0.051% f. 1984
- Spain Communist Refoundation Board
Mesa de Refundaciуn Comunista MRC Does not exist mrc1917@terra.es, stal. ICS f. 2001
- Spain International Communist Party [La Izquierda Comunista]
mirror page Partido Comunista Internacional [La Izquierda Comunista] La Izquierda Comunista webmaster@sinistra.net, fr@sinistra.net (French) left. com. PCI-IPaC
- Spain International Communist Party [El Comunista] Partido Comunista Internacional [El Comunista] El Comunista
webmaster@sinistra.net, fr@sinistra.net (French) left. com.
- Spain Liberation
unofficial Liberaciуn Does not exist Pagina Abierta paginabi@bitmailer.net, rad. left. f. 1992 by split from IA mainly by former MC members
- Spain Libertarian Socialism
Socialismo Libertario SINCE Socialismo Libertario infomadrid@socialismolibertario.org, socialismolibertario_madrid@yahoo.es, http://socialismolibertario.org/, rad. left. US f. 1997
- Spain Marxist-Leninist Organization Committee Comitй de Organizaciуn Marxista-Leninista CO-ML stal.
- Spain New Revolutionary Workers' Organization of Spain
Nueva Organizaciуn Revolucionaria de los Trabajadores de Espaсa nORTe poor nORTe Norte@norteweb.org, mao. f. 2001
- Spain Red Current
Corriente Roja Another web espartaco_02@yahoo.es, rad. left. was in IU f. 2002
- Spain Revolutionary Communist Party Partido Comunista Revolucionario PCR La Forga stal. ICS
- Spain Revolutionary Union
Uniуn Revolucionaria Poor, news - 2002 Banderas Rotas gmoliner@mundofree.com, http://usuarios.multimania.es/prespana/ rad. left. f. 2000
- Spain Spanish Workers' Communist Party
Partido Comunista Obrero Espaсol PCOE pcoe@pcoe.net, http://pcoe.net/, com. f. 2003
- Spain State Committee of Communist Organizations
Coordinaciуn Estatal de Organizaciones Comunistas CEOC Another web La Chispa stal. close to ICMLPO[H] alliance f. 2002
- Spain Communist Collective 27 September
Colectivo Comunista 27 de Septiembre 27-S Does not work Democracia Obrera oc27s@yahoo.es, stal.
- Spain Communist Organization "October"
Organizaciуn Comunista "Octubre" OCO Does not work Octubre contacto@octubre.info, stal. ICMLPO[H] f. 1992
- Spain Communist Organization of the Valencian Country
Organizaciуn Comunista del Paнs Valenciano / Organitzaciу Comunista del Paнs Valenciа OCPV Another web ocpv@jazzfree.com, stal.
- Spain Party of the Communists of Catalonia
Partit dels Comunistes de Catalunya PCC Sent by web Avant, Realitat pcc@pcc.es, Tel. 93 318 42 82 http://www.pcc.cat/ com. f. 1982 as split from PSUC GB Communist Party of Britain (Marxist-Leninist) CPB(M-L) Workers info@workers.org.uk, stal., ex-mao. ex-Chin. no part f. 1968
- Spain Cuban 5 http://www.libertadparaloscinco.org.es/
International library of the Communist left Can write a link to us http://sinistra.net/lib/, webmaster@sinistra.net, fr@sinistra.net (French)
- Spain United Socialist Party of Catalonia-Living
Partit Socialista Unificat de Catalunya - Viu PSUC-Viu By web Nou Treball psuc@psuc.org, Carrer Doctor Zamenhof, 16-18 Barcelona 08020 , tel 93 412 21 95, 93 307 38 47, com. f. 1997 as split from PSUC, section of PCE
- Spain Alternative Space
Espacio Alternativo EA By web Corriente Alterna espacio@nodo50.org, www.nodo50.org/espacio/home.htm rad. left. f. 1996
- Spain Alternative Galicia
Galiza Alternativa GzA Does not work Alternativas galizaalternativa@hotmail.com, rad. left.
- Spain Alternative Space
Espai Alternatiu (Valencia) corrent@ltern espai@ono.com, espacio@nodo50.org ; teléfono 915590091. Para conocernos: Lee nuestra revista Corriente Alterna.Visita la web: http://www.espacioalternativo.org, http://www.anticapitalistas.org/ rad. left.
- Spain Andalusian Revolutionary Space
Espacio Revolucionario Andaluz espacioandaluz@nodo50.org, rad. left
- Spain Batulaxe Batulaxe (Asturias) rad. left.
- Spain Batzen Batzen (Euskadi) rad. left.
- Spain Rainbow
Arcoiris (Murcia) Ai Another web Arcoiris arcoiris@enlaweb.net, rad. left.
- Spain Shock
Batzac (Catalonia) Contracorrents batzac@pangea.org, suport@pangea.org, http://batzac.pangea.org/, rad. left.
- Spain Communist Party of Spain
Partido Comunista de Espaсa PCE Mundo Obrero, Nuestra Bandera comitefederal@pce.es, http://pce.es/ EN MADRID Calle Desengaсo 12, 1є3-A 28004 – Madrid Telйfono: 915222356, Correo electrуnico: inforposi@gmail.com, webmasterpce@pce.es, com. ex-CI, ex-WMR, EL f. 1920
- Spain Communist Encounter
Reencuentro Comunista Does not work Reencuentro Comunista com. f. 2002
- Spain Canarian Comunist Militants Organized in Cells
Militantes Comunistas Canarios Organizados en Cйlulas Does not work cfmli@yahoo.es, com. f. 2003
- Spain Canarian Comunist Militants Organized in Cells
Militantes Comunistas Canarios Organizados en Células cfmli@yahoo.es, com. f. 2003
- Spain Cell for the Reconstruction of the Canarian Communist Party
other page Célula para la reconstrucción del Partido Comunista Canario CRPCC Does not access crpcc@email.com, rad. left.
- Spain Communists of Catalonia Comunistes de Catalunya Contracorriente m.vallseca@telefonica.net,
- Spain Forward, Socialist Organization for National Liberation
Endavant, Organització Socialista d'Alliberament Nacional Endavant Sent by web pua@xarxaneta.org, rad. left. nat. f. 2000 by Platform for Action Unity (PUA)
- Spain Movement for the Defence of the Land
Moviment de Defensa de la Terra MDT No access Estelada Roja, La Veu info@defensadelaterra.org, rad. left. nat. f. 1984, revived in 1998
- Spain Socialist National Liberation Party of the Catalan Countries
Partit Socialista d'Alliberament Nacional dels Paпsos Catalans PSAN LLuita barcelona@psan.net, AC 95037 - 08080 Barcelona AC 11 - 46080 València psan@psan.cat rad. left. nat. f. 1968
- Spain Aralar
No access Erraondo info@aralar.net, rad. left. nat. 2.33% f. 2001 as split from Batasuna
- Spain Basque Homeland and Freedom
unofficial Euskadi ta Askatasuna ETA Does not exist Zutabe rad. left. nat illegal f. 1959
- Spain Communist Party of the Basque Lands Partido Comunista de las Tierras Vascas / Euskal Herrialdeetako Alderdi Komunista rad. left. nat. 12.44% f. 2002
Spain Communists of the Basque Country Euskal Herriko Komunistak / Comunistas de Euskal Herria EHK Komunistak ehk@nodo50.org, http://www.mundurat.net/ehk/ Euskal Herriko Komunistak: ehkharremanak@mundurat.net Nazioarteko harremanak: ehknazioartea@mundurat.net Web orria: (Bidali zure iradokizunak eta kolaborazioak): ehkgunea@mundurat.net stal.
- Spain Alternative Revolutionary Left
Esquerda Revolucionaria Alternativa ERA Does not exist esquerda@lycosmail.com, rad. left. nat. Galician Nationalist Bloc Bloque Nacionalista Galego BNG No access BE-NE-GA sedenacional@bng-galiza.org, left. nat. DPPE 18.89% alliance f. 1982
- Spain Galician People's Union
Uniуn do Pobo Galego UPG No access Terra e Tempo upg@uniondopovogalego.org, rad. left. nat. f. 1964
- Spain Galician Popular Front
Fronte Popular Galego FPG info@frentepopulargalega.org, http://frentepopulargalega.org/ rad. left. nat. 0.18% f. 1988
- First Line - National Liberation Movement
Primeira Linha - Movimento de Libertaзom Nacional Sent by web Abrente primeiralinha@hotmail.com, rad. left. nat. f. 1996 as split from Inzar
- 17th November Revolutionary Organization Epanastatiki Organosi 17 Noemvri EO17N rad. left. illegal pol.-mil., f. 1975
- Greece Communist Organization of Greece
mirror page Kommounistiki Organosi Elladas KOE Sent by web Aristera! international@arister.gr, http://www.international.koel.gr/, www.resistancefestival.gr, http://arister.gr/, www.koel.gr, Ησαΐα Σαλώνων 6 Αθήνα 11474 Ελλάδα 2106441745 2106430024 Group Email AddressesRelated Link: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/MAOIST_REVOLUTION/ Post message: MAOIST_REVOLUTION@yahoogroups.com Subscribe: MAOIST_REVOLUTION-subscribe@yahoogroups.com Unsubscribe: MAOIST_REVOLUTION-unsubscribe@yahoogroups.com List owner: MAOIST_REVOLUTION-owner@yahoogroups.com mao. ICMLPO[M], ICS f. 1984 a A-Synechia
- Greece Communist Party of Greece
Kommounistiko Komma Elladas KKE Rizospastis, Kommounistiki Epitheorisi cpg@kke.gr, com. ex-WMR, ex-CI, ICS 5.90% f. 1918
- Greece Communist Party of Greece (marxist-leninist)
Kommounistiko Komma Elladas (marxistiko-leninistiko) KKE(m-l) links Proletariaki Simea cpgml@kkeml.gr, www.kkeml.gr, http://kkeml.gr/english/english.htm, Communication address CPG(m-l) Emm. Benaki 43, 106 81 Athens
- Greece, telephone +30 210 3303639, fax
+30 210 3815597 mao. ex-Chin., ICS 0.15% split in 1969 as OEML from OMLE, renamed in 1974
- Greece Front of the Radical Left
Metopo Rizospastikis Aristeras MERA Does not exist prin@otenet.gr, rad. left. 0.15% alliance, f. 1999 by NAR, EEK, EKKE
- Greece Initiative for the Refoundation of the Left
Protovoulia gia tis Epanidryse tis Aristeras Does not exist Manifesto epanidrisi@pathfinder.gr, rad. left. alliance, f. 2000 by AKOA, periodical Theseis and others
- Greece Leftist Movement
Aristeri Kinisi infolab2000@yahoo.com, http://akoepa.tripod.com/, rad. left.
- Greece Leftist Reorganization
Aristeri Anasyntaxi Does not exist Aristeri Anasyntaxi anasyntaxi@anasyntaxi.com, com. f. 1993 as split from KKE
- Greece Marxist-Leninist Communist Party of Greece
Marxistiko-Leninistiko - Kommounistiko Komma Elladas M-L KKE Laikos Dromos epikoinwnia@m-lkke.gr, http://m-lkke.gr/, mao. ex-Chin. 0.065% split from OMLE in 1976
- Greece Movement for the Reorganization of the Communist Party of Greece
Kinisi gia Anasyntaxi tou Kommounistikou Kommatos Elladas Does not exist Anasyntaxi anasyntaxh@yahoo.gr, stal. ex-Alb., ICMLPO[H] f. 1996
- Greece Organization for the Reconstruction of the Communist Party of Greece
Organosi gia tin Anasygkrotisi tou Kommounistiko Komma Elladas OAKKE US organization Nea Anatoli http://oakke.gr/, info@oakke.gr, mao. 0.028% f. 1985 by members from M-L KKE and EKKE
- Greece Resist
Kontra Kontra eksegersi@eksegersi.gr, http://eksegersi.gr/, rad. left. f. 1975 as Consequent Left Movement of Greece (SAKE)
- Greece Revolutionary Liberation Front
Epanastatiko Eleftheriako Metopo EEM Does not exist eem@aristera.cjb.net, rad. left. f. 2002 Greece http://www.solidnet.org/
- With ICAP dinakaklamanakis@yahoo.gr
- Carlos Samuel Facebook I am a member of the close(united) socialist party of venezuela and have narrow relations with social movements djsoldado4-f1992@hotmail.com
- Venezuela Hugo Chaves http://www.handsoffvenezuela.org/ http://www.venezuelanalysis.com/ editor [at] venezuelanalysis.com
- With ICAP louismichelb@gmail.com http://duendecubano.eu
- With ICAP nacho.lacambra@yaho.fr
- ICAP mercedesc60@yahoo.com www.icap.cu, euroeste@icap.cu, emeria ceballos ICAP isabelallende@isri.minrex.gov.cu
- mercedesc60@yahoo.com оператор ИКАП сайта конференции
- United Communist Party of Georgia Sakartvelos Ertiani Komunisturi Partia / Edinaya Kommunisticheskaya Partiya Gruzii SEKP Komunisti cpgeo@narod.ru,
stal. SKP-KPSS, ICS f. 1994 by Stalin Society, Workers' Communist Party,
- Georgia New Communist Party stal. KPSS[OS] f. 2001, led by Yevgenii Dzhughashvili
- Georgia Communist Party of Georgia Sakartvelos Komunisturi Partia / Kommunisticheskaya Partya Gruzii SKP Komunisti-XXI tel.: +995-32-532517 stal. f. 1992 as Socialist Labour Party
- Union of Communists Communist Party of Azerbaijan Azerbaycan Kommunist Partiyasi Azerbaijan Hagigaty fax: +994-12-948937 stal. SKP-KPSS, ICS no part. led by Ramiz Akhmedov, close to Russian KPRF
- United Communist Party of Azerbaijan Azerbaycan Vahid Kommunist Partiyasi AVKP Kommunist tel.: +994-12-380151 stal. no part. led by Sayad Sayadov
OM mvasilef@mail.ru
Виктор Исайчиков mihmarkin@mail.ru,
- John Daly With ICAP jpd2005@gmail.com http://www.pslweb.org, Soy miembro del Partido por el Socialismo y Liberacion
- Туев Василий Афанасьевич - доктор философских наук, профессор кафедры философии Байкальского государственного университета экономики и права (БГУЭП), председатель Иркутсого городского культурно-исторического общества "Наш Сталин" - тел.: (83952) 512-844
- Новикова Татьяна Анатольевна - секретарь общества "Наш Сталин" : 8-9149371055 Попков Геннадий Николевич - к.ф.-м.н. (программист), web-разработчик сайта "Наш Сталин" : (83952) 93-45-18 e-mail: gennik09@rol.ru e-Mail cайта : stalin-irk@narod.ru
- Partido Obrero Socialista Internacionalista MADRID Calle Desengaсo 12, 1є3-A 28004 – Madrid, Telйfono: 915222356 Correo electrуnico: inforposi@gmail.com,
- Rescat Protection of prisoners llibertatpreses@gmail.com, info@rescat.org, http://rescat.wordpress.com/,
ссылка на хороший сайт из КНДР http://www.naenara.com.kp/ru/
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